Areas of Life Role Examples

Look at the areas of life graphic. Think about the areas you have influence in. Take some time to dream with God about what His kingdom would look like in those spaces – in your spaces. Remember, nothing is impossible with God! Use the examples below as you dream with God for your area of […]

My Typical Week

What’s your typical week? There are 168 hours in a week. If the Spirit of God dwells in you and you have been sent into the world by Jesus to release His kingdom, then everything you do – not just a one-hour-a-week church gathering – is sacred. We need to learn to think differently about […]

The Essentials

Over the past few years, there’s been much debate about what’s essential and what’s non-essential. And while there may be lots of opinions about what’s considered essential, the Scriptures make it clear that the true essentials for our lives are the grace of God, the Spirit of God, the Word of God, the people of […]

Do The Heart Work

The kingdom of God always starts inside out. The rule and reign of God is meant to start in our hearts and flow out into the rest of our lives. This is why Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” In other words, whatever is in […]

The Three Circles

The Three Circles Take some time to fill out each of the Three Circles by answering the questions, “Who am I?”, “Who is God?”, and “What was I created to do?” according to Scripture. If you’re not sure where to start, look up the provided verses and write down the truths that you discover. As […]

Created For More

Jesus’ church is more than a building or an organization. It’s the people of God, united by the Spirit of God, under the lordship of Jesus, sent on mission to change the world. Therefore, every follower of Jesus is a hope carrier – a disciple of Jesus living on mission to change their world. They […]