Do The Heart Work
The kingdom of God always starts inside out. The rule and reign of God is meant to start in our hearts and flow out into the rest of our lives. This is why Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” In other words, whatever is in your heart, like a river, will flow out into every area of your life. If your heart is full of bitterness, selfish ambition, greed, sin, etc., then that will flow into your family, finances, relationships, work, and school. But if faith, hope, and love are in your heart, then that is what will flow into your family, finances, relationships, work, and school. The kingdom within you will always become the kingdom around you.
Psalms 139:23-24 are great verses but a dangerous prayer because God will answer it. Find the courage to take some time to ask God to search your heart – to show you any and every area, facet, or room of your heart that isn’t submitted or surrendered to His lordship. Use this graphic as a way of examining and humbly presenting your heart to God. What’s in your heart that you don’t want to see flow into your areas of life? As the Holy Spirit shows you things, write them in the provided heart diagram. Take some time to confess and repent. Let Jesus wash your heart with His grace, and ask Him to remove the brokenness and replace it with life. Doing the heart work isn’t a one-time event; it’s a way of life. It’s only when we continually cultivate a healthy heart that we stay focused on releasing His kingdom instead of building our own.