The kingdom is full of joy, and sports allow us to play with a childlike heart. They teach us many of the skills we need for life. Sports help us learn how to push ourselves, stretch, grow, deal with adversity, become a good teammate, and go beyond what we thought we were capable of. It’s in teams where we learn that we’re better together – that together we can do what we could never do on our own. Kingdom sports use competition and training to shape and mold athletes into the men and women God created them to be.
Stories of Hope in Sports

10 Ideas on How to Carry Hope in Sports
Being a hope carrier isn’t a formula, a religious activity, or a futile exercise. It’s

Areas of Life Role Examples
Look at the areas of life graphic. Think about the areas you have influence in.

Sports Prayer Points
A hope carrier is a disciple of Jesus living on mission to change their world.