Areas of Life Role Examples
Look at the areas of life graphic. Think about the areas you have influence in. Take some time to dream with God about what His kingdom would look like in those spaces – in your spaces.
Remember, nothing is impossible with God!
Use the examples below as you dream with God for your area of life
What area of life do you have influence in? Arts & Media
What’s your role in that area? Social Media Influencer
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for His kingdom to come through you in this area? By using my social media platforms to reach lost, lonely, and broken people, I can tell them about the hope I have in Jesus. I can focus less on self-promotion and more on advancing God’s kingdom. I can bring hope to my followers by sharing and creating life-giving content and by being an encouraging voice in a place of selfishness and comparison.
What area of life do you have influence in? Arts & Media
What’s your role in that area? Graphic Designer
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for His kingdom to come through you in this area? God is the ultimate creator! I can begin to bring His kingdom into my work by inviting Him to guide my creative process from start to finish. Seeking God for inspiration will unite me with His vision for my art. It’s also a way I can worship Him through creativity. I know that when I partner with God, I can reach and impact more people for their good and His glory.
What area of life do you have influence in? Business
What’s your role in that area? Office Manager
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for His kingdom to come through you in this area? Jesus modeled humility and kindness for me, so I can model those qualities to my office by not being too proud to do small things, like cleaning the kitchen, refilling the coffee maker, or taking out the trash. I can show respect and consideration to my employer and co-workers by showing up on time, both to work in the morning and to any meetings or appointments I have. When people are consumed with their tasks and responsibilities, I can be a voice of encouragement and lend a hand whenever possible. As office manager, I can celebrate co-workers on birthdays, anniversaries, and milestones, showing them that they are a valuable and cherished part of our office community!
What area of life do you have influence in? Business
What’s your role in that area? Uber Driver
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for His kingdom to come through you in this area? I have so many opportunities to bring hope to the people I drive everyday. I can prepare a place for God to move and for His kingdom to be on display. From simple changes, like playing life-giving music, to larger ones (when prompted by God), like giving specific encouragement or asking someone how I can pray for them. I have a unique opportunity to show people supernatural hope and kindness. A simple interaction can make a big impact. I know I have the ability to make or break someone’s day during their time with me, and I want to use that time to create an environment where they can encounter the hope of Jesus and leave feeling refreshed and joyful.
What area of life do you have influence in? Business
What’s your role in that area? Vice President of Sales
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for His kingdom to come through you in this area? I can lead my team using positive, hope-filled language to inspire and motivate them. Since so much of our business is focused on numbers, I can counteract that performance-focused mentality by highlighting the value each individual member brings to our team. A life-giving culture will help motivate my team to thrive and work hard out of a desire to do their best – not out of a spirit of fear.
What area of life do you have influence in? Church
What’s your role in that area? Door Greeter
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for His kingdom to come through you in this area? By being a door greeter, I get to show people hope and joy as they come ready to encounter God at church. Someone may be coming to church every week at the same time, and through my role, I can get to know them and help them feel like they are part of a family. Someone also may be coming to church for the first time ever or the first time in a long time. For them, I’m the first person they encounter, and I can show them the love of Jesus by being life-giving and hope-filled. By serving with joy, I can help people start off their time at church feeling welcome and valued.
What area of life do you have influence in? Church
What’s your role in that area? Circle Leader
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for His kingdom to come through you in this area? I can welcome God’s kingdom in my circle by fostering an environment of safety, inclusion, hope, and positivity. I have the privilege and responsibility of inviting the people I lead to take next steps and partnering with Jesus as He leads them to freedom. I can create an atmosphere where everyone feels free sharing, asking questions, and being vulnerable. I can do this by going first and modeling what it looks like to seek and follow Jesus. I can also be a hope carrier to my circle by praying for them, following up with them, keeping them accountable to their next steps, and encouraging them when I see growth in their lives. By modeling kingdom values, I can show my circle hope and lead them closer to Jesus.
What area of life do you have influence in? Education
What’s your role in that area? Student
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for His kingdom to come through you in this area? I am a kingdom influencer, which means I can help shift people’s thoughts, perspectives, and decisions. I can bring heaven to earth and bring the culture of the kingdom to my school by letting Jesus be my biggest influencer. As He transforms my mind, He fills me with hope that I can share with those around me. I can do what Jesus would do in any situation instead of giving into peer pressure and doing what the world tells me I should do. When I live secure in my identity, I can confidently stand up for someone who is being bullied or invite them to be my friend. I can go first to serve and do the right thing when there’s a need instead of waiting for someone else to do it. I can choose to be grateful when others are complaining. I can honor my teachers and others in authority. I know I can influence other students by living confident in who I am in Jesus. That’s what hope is – the confident expectation of the goodness of God.
What area of life do you have influence in? Education
What’s your role in that area? Teacher
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for His kingdom to come through you in this area? I can bring God’s kingdom by sharing the hope of Jesus to my students. By encouraging them and being a source of inspiration and guidance, I can give my students confidence and security. I can show them that who they are is more important than what they do. God has a plan for their lives, and I can partner with Him to remind my students of their value and purpose. I can be a life-giving leader and set an example to my students of what a healthy, hope-filled, and Jesus-focused life looks like. I recognize the importance of my role in education and the impact I can have on my students’ by showing them through my example that God is good, Jesus has forgiven them, they are loved, and everything is possible.
What area of life do you have influence in? Family
What’s your role in that area? Stay-at-Home Dad
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for His kingdom to come through you in this area? I can show my family hope by being intentional with them every day and by leaning on God for strength. On the days I’m feeling overwhelmed by busy activities and schedules, I can rest in the fact that I’m a beloved son and that I’ve been equipped by God for this exact purpose. I know that when God made me, He gave me all the tools I’d need to parent my children the way He wants me to. I can show my family God’s kingdom by loving them the way God loves me – unconditionally, joyfully, lavishly, and abundantly. I can model kingdom living for my children by showing them that I value the things of God more than the things of this world.
What area of life do you have influence in? Family
What’s your role in that area? Daughter
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for His kingdom to come through you in this area? I can bring hope to my family by honoring my parents and showing love to my siblings. Jesus brought me grace, hope, and love, and I don’t have to do anything to earn it – I just have to receive! That means I can give grace, hope, and love to the people in my life, too – even my brother! I can share my toys and help him with his homework. God’s kingdom can come to my home when I choose to honor, respect, and obey my parents. I honor God when I honor my mom and dad!
What area of life do you have influence in? Government
What’s your role in that area? Firefighter
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for His kingdom to come through you in this area? Sometimes as a firefighter, I encounter people on their worst days. They may have just lost everything and are feeling hopeless. In my role, I can bring hope and comfort to those in hard situations. I may not be able to restore all that has been lost, but I can point people to the one who heals hearts, redeems souls, and transforms lives. I also have the opportunity to bring heaven to earth with other firefighters in my community. While our job can be tough, I can bring hope and life to my fellow firefighters who are dealing with anxiety or stress from the job. I can encourage them, invite them to Valley Creek, and invite them to my circle.
What area of life do you have influence in? Government
What’s your role in that area? Mail Carrier
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for His kingdom to come through you in this area? I don’t just have one place to carry hope to – I get to carry hope to dozens of homes on my mail route. One of the ways I can bring God’s kingdom to my area of government is by being a respectful and diligent worker. I can honor my community by respecting their mail and packages and by doing my best in every aspect of my job. I don’t know what someone is getting in their mail – it could be a bill they’re struggling to pay, a card from an old friend, or a letter containing life-changing news. As I distribute the mail, I can pray for those I’m delivering it to.
What area of life do you have influence in? Government
What’s your role in that area? Police Officer
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for His kingdom to come through you in this area? As a police officer, I have lots of opportunities to bring hope to people who may be experiencing hopelessness. No matter who I encounter on my shift, I have the chance to show people compassion, kindness, and respect. As a hope carrier, I’m called to bring light to darkness and peace to chaos. Whether someone is in trouble, hurting, lost, or in need, I can show them the love of Jesus simply by treating them with empathy and care. I am proud to serve my Father through my role in government, and I know He has placed me in my role to bring hope to my city.
What area of life do you have influence in? Healtcare
What’s your role in that area? Nurse
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for His kingdom to come through you in this area? I can bring God’s kingdom to my workplace by inviting the Holy Spirit into my daily routine. I have a fast-paced work life, so it takes extra intentionality to slow down and focus on the peace of Jesus amidst all my responsibilities. When I feed into the chaos around me, it only brings more stress to everyone. But when I focus on Jesus and let His peace guide me, I can change the atmosphere. I can serve God by lovingly serving the needs of my patients. In addition to caring for my patients’ health needs, I can care for their hearts by showing compassion, care, tenderness, empathy, and professionalism. Whether I’m drawing blood, assisting in diagnosis, or providing post-op care, I can play an integral role in both preventing and easing suffering. I can provide comfort to patients and families who feel nervous, anxious, or frightened. My life-giving words and actions can bring hope.
What area of life do you have influence in? Healthcare
What’s your role in that area? Insurance Rep
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for His kingdom to come through you in this area? I can bring the kingdom of God to healthcare by caring for others and adhering to ethical business practices. When I focus on my work and take my responsibilities seriously, I can guide people to make wise choices that will benefit them, their families, and their loved ones. I can show compassion to people who are facing hardship or bring clarity to people who may be confused about their futures. When the options seem overwhelming, I can bring peace and insight to help my customers feel seen, valued, and cared for. Because I know who I am in Jesus, I can work out of the overflow of my security in Him and not get derailed by relying on money or success to bring value to my life.
What area of life do you have influence in? Sports
What’s your role in that area? Referee
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for God’s kingdom to come through you in this area? God’s kingdom can come through me through my refereeing in the way I show respect to players, parents, and attendees at any games I referee. Sports can bring heightened emotions and things can escalate quickly. By focusing on peace and calmness, I can bring order to chaos in the world of sports. I can show players, parents, and attendees how to treat others with kindness, fairness, and respect – all kingdom attributes!
What area of life do you have influence in? Sports
What’s your role in that area? Athlete
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for God’s kingdom to come through you in this area? I am in a competitive field – my whole life is measured in wins and losses. The athletes I do life with place so much of their worth on whether or not they are succeeding in their specific sport. I can bring hope to sports by living secure in my identity as a victorious overcomer in Jesus’ name – not in the name of my team. By practicing humility and fostering an environment of servanthood, I can show other athletes how I can enjoy sports without it consuming who I am. I can honor God through my sport by bringing glory to Him in victories and staying humble through defeats. I can show up early for practice and stay late to help others work on their game. I can pray for my teammates and coaches. I want to play sports in a way that draws attention to God’s greatness instead of my own.
What area of life do you have influence in? Sports
What’s your role in that area? Coach
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for God’s kingdom to come through you in this area? I can bring God’s kingdom to the area of sports by being life-giving and using positive reinforcement to motivate my team. Athletes can place so much of their worth and value on their abilities, talents, strengths, and successes. They can also get super down on themselves when they feel like they have failed or lost. I can help redirect their thinking and remind them of their identities – they are not defined by their wins or losses… and neither am I! This must start with me. When I know I am defined by who I am in Jesus, and not in my personal victories or defeats, I can live free and show my team how to do the same.
What area of life do you have influence in? Technology
What’s your role in that area? Web Developer
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for God’s kingdom to come through you in this area? I can bring the kingdom of God to the area of technology by demonstrating humility and servanthood. I am fortunate enough to have a role that is in high demand at this particular point in history, and in the world we live in. In technology, it can be easy to let pride creep in by knowing that I have an in-demand skill that others may not have. I can redirect my pride toward gratitude for my role, joy in my work, and kindness to those I work with and for. It is an honor to serve others and I can bring hope to my area of technology by living with humility and Christlikeness. When I know my identity is in Christ and not in my performance as a web developer, I do not need to chase praise, acknowledgment, or recognition for my work. In spite of my imperfections, Jesus loves me and has adopted me into His family. That is worth way more than the praise of other people.
What area of life do you have influence in? Technology
What’s your role in that area? Engineer
Now, dream with God. What would it look like for God’s kingdom to come through you in this area? Through my role as an engineer, I can bring God’s kingdom into the area of technology. One of the ways I can do this is by showing care and kindness to those around me. Sometimes I arrive to work in a cloud of concern, overwhelmed with plans and tasks for that day, so I’m inclined to walk in completely distracted. Taking time to be friendly, smile, and ask my co-workers how their day is going (and actually listening carefully to their responses) can go a long way in bringing hope to someone. Giving credit where it’s due if I’m working with someone else on a project can be a way I bring God’s kingdom to my role. I should be actively looking for areas where I could give others recognition for their work. I can send an email, write a note, or even just mention it to them in passing.