What’s your hope carrier story?

You Are A Hope Carrier

Whether you realize it or not, you have been empowered by God to release His kingdom on earth. Ever since the dawn of creation, man has been commissioned by God to rule and reign with Him. In fact, the very first words God said to humanity were, “Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it using all its vast resources in the service of God and man” (Genesis 1:28 AMPC). You weren’t made to passively walk through life – to just get by living for yourself – but to actively bring heavenly realities into earthly situations. To see what can be in the midst of what is. To make a difference. To shift atmospheres. To change your world.

What is a Hope Carrier?

Being a hope carrier isn’t as hard as you think. A hope carrier is a disciple of Jesus living on mission to change their world. It’s simply seeing your family, work, school, and everyday life as mission. 

Sometimes it can seem so big and overwhelming that we don’t know where to start, but being a hope carrier isn’t a formula, a religious activity, or a futile exercise. It’s partnering with God. It’s aligning your life with what He’s already doing. It’s simply asking, listening, and responding to the Holy Spirit. It’s believing that God is with you and that you’ve been strategically positioned for such a time as this.

Where do you carry hope?

For far too long, we’ve reduced following Jesus to a one-hour-a-week church service. But the kingdom of God isn’t contained to a building, a gathering, or a religious event; it’s been sent into every area of life through you. We must no longer allow there to be a divide between the sacred and the secular in our minds.

All of creation is waiting for God’s sons and daughters, for you, to rise up and step into your divine calling of representing (or re-presenting) God’s kingdom in the midst of daily life. Whether you’re a business owner, employee, stay-at-home parent, student, athlete, teacher, nurse, or neighbor – whatever role you fill – you’ve been handpicked by God to carry His hope into the lost, lonely, and broken places of this world. God has entrusted you with His kingdom because He believes in you. He has filled you with His hope, and hope leads the way.

Resources for hope carriers

Check out ValleyCreek+ for great resources to help you carry the hope of Jesus into every area of life! If you’re looking for encouraging messages, worship music, or tools to help you pray and read the Bible, we’d love to help you as you discover more about God!

Where Does Hope Carrier Come From?

Hope carriers is so much more than a brand. The concept of hope carriers was birthed from the heart of the vision God gave Valley Creek Church in 2019 to be a movement of hope for the city and beyond.

As we explored this vision, we asked what it would look like for the people of God to be raised up with wisdom, creativity, integrity, excellence, and servanthood as they were sent out into every area of life. What could it look like for the hope of Jesus to come to families, businesses, education, healthcare, government, arts and media, sports, and technology?

The hope of Jesus can change the world, and we’ve been commissioned and called to carry that hope with us wherever we go!

To learn more about Valley Creek Church, visit our website valleycreek.org.