MJ Spaulding

Home > MJ Spaulding Healthcare MJ Spaulding is a physical therapist. She’s a natural caretaker, and she helps each patient reach their goals as she coaches and encourages them with all her heart. She’s not just coaching her patients to improve their lives, she’s coaching student leaders at Valley Creek as well. As a student […]
Adrienne Marshall

Home > Adrienne Marshall Healthcare Adrienne Marshall is a therapist. Using kingdom principles, she helps people learn how to live free. Adrienne helps people shift their focus by reminding them that they are more than their current circumstances. In every appointment, she gets to teach people how to remove the lies of the world and […]
Paul Boerger

Home > Paul Boerger Healthcare Paul Boerger is a pediatric nurse practitioner. When he chose a career in healthcare, he didn’t know Jesus. But as his love for Jesus has grown, his love for people has grown, too. Seeing people through God’s eyes has changed the way he practices medicine. Paul knows that patient care […]
Hannah Barnett

Home > Hannah Barnett Healthcare Hannah Barnett is a NICU nurse. Day in and day out, she advocates for families and helps them hold onto hope while in crisis. In a career that can be draining, she demonstrates what it looks like to give out of the overflow of what she has received from Jesus. […]