What’s your hope carrier story?

The Ministry of Presence

Easy & Light: https://youtu.be/eMeo3TWCBi0 The entire concept of being a hope carrier is the ministry of presence. In this clip, Pastor John Stickl shares that being a hope carrier is carrying the presence of God with you into every space you go so that the presence of God can change the atmosphere and environment around […]

What Is A Successful Hope Carrier?

Redefining Success: https://youtu.be/255HAQQ7fzo What defines a successful hope carrier? In this clip, Pastor John Stickl shares how success is obedience, not results. Transcript Come on, it’s Jesus that makes the darkness tremble. Why don’t you go ahead and grab your seat, whatever campus you’re at. I am so glad you are here with us today. […]

The Greatest Commandment

Easy & Light: https://youtu.be/GpQsBMtNWjA What is the greatest and most important commandment? “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37) In this clip, Pastor John Stickl helps us understand the greatest commandment. Transcript Come on, it’s Jesus that makes the darkness tremble. […]

Rest Is A Gift

Easy & Light: https://youtu.be/KqiZFWR65Sk Are you weary and burdened? Are you tired and worn out? In this clip, Pastor John Stickl shares that the best place to find rest is in Jesus. Transcript Come on, it’s Jesus that makes the darkness tremble. Why don’t you go ahead and grab your seat, whatever campus you’re at. […]

Hope Carrier in 17 Minutes

https://youtu.be/JXQg9mISWmQ In this clip, Pastor John Stickl shares all about hope carriers in 17 minutes. Transcript Come on, it’s Jesus that makes the darkness tremble. Why don’t you go ahead and grab your seat, whatever campus you’re at. I am so glad you are here with us today. Holy Spirit, we just invite you in. […]

What Are You Dreaming About?

Dreaming with God: https://youtu.be/j2CdTHkktx8 What are you dreaming about? In this clip, Pastor John Stickl shares how dreaming is the normal reality of following Jesus. Transcript Come on, it’s Jesus that makes the darkness tremble. Why don’t you go ahead and grab your seat, whatever campus you’re at. I am so glad you are here […]

Ambassadors of God’s Kingdom

Dreaming with God: https://youtu.be/cAUeWwOJUrM Do you live down to the standards of the world or up to the realities of the kingdom of God? In this clip, Pastor John Stickl shares how we, as followers of Jesus, are ambassadors of the kingdom of God. Transcript Come on, it’s Jesus that makes the darkness tremble. Why […]

What Does It Mean to Believe?

The Gospel of the Kingdom: https://youtu.be/_jd_2OOr0c8 To believe something is to act as if it were so. In this clip, Pastor John Stickl walks us through how our beliefs determine our behaviors. Transcript Come on, it’s Jesus that makes the darkness tremble. Why don’t you go ahead and grab your seat, whatever campus you’re at. […]

The Three Circles

The Gospel of the Kingdom: https://youtu.be/bpjsHB_vidM What is the gospel of the kingdom? In this clip, Pastor John Stickl walks through the three circles: receive His grace, experience His presence, and release His kingdom. Transcript Come on, it’s Jesus that makes the darkness tremble. Why don’t you go ahead and grab your seat, whatever campus […]

Series Recap, Part Two

Hope Carrier Initiative: https://youtu.be/pBFOVxTGyv0 What does it look like to live on mission with God? What does it look like to live in the midst of the kingdom of God in our everyday lives? In the Hope Carrier Initiative, we go on an adventure to discover more of God’s kingdom and what living as a […]